Developing financial capability and education
- for the Nottingham Financial Resilience Steering Group, funded by Capital One
* Further development of partners and linking to national good practice. Identification of website opportunity for financial capability in Nottingham. This will now be sited in the Ask Lion website with Money and Work having its own url, enabling the public to access one website for all money help related services. This section of Ask Lion is continuing to grow and develop. August 2016 – June 2017
* Package of support included: input with pupils; parent’s session; staff training session; support with school saving clubs. Some schools also purchased savings tins for the children, incorporated with the project. Schools which took up the offer included Our Lady & St Edwards and Sycamore LEAD Academy in St Ann’s and Rufford Primary in Bulwell, with discussions with other schools. Summer 2016 to June 2017.